This is the real life story of a 25 year old fighting the fight of her life with breast cancer and then at 29 finding a recurrence and having to make life changing decisions. This is my story.

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. Ralph Marston

I've been known as a strong willed, independent, and stubborn girl and woman. Maybe it all was planned to be that way so that I could succeed in this fight. I learn more about myself each day and what I can handle and what's really important in this world.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thanks to my cancer family! Love you ladies

When I went through my cancer in 2008, there was an amazing woman who had gone through what I was getting ready to go through.  She understood what I was getting ready to go through and the feelings better than anyone since she was close to my age.  It was difficult in the beginning to talk to people who were in the "normal" age range for breast cancer, I needed that younger perspective. They'd had their children and had the opportunity to breast feed, they'd gone or were going through menopause at the normal time - I hadn't even had the opportunity to be pregnant (we had just started talking about having children seriously) before the chance was ripped from my dreams, I was going to go through menopause momentarily for chemo at 25 how is this chemo and hormone therapy crap going to effect my chances for a family, and ulimately am I going to meet my maker before I turn 30?  How was this going to effect my wants for a family? This isn't a normal "young" person thing, how did you handle the stares, the questions, etc?  How did it effect your relationship with your husband? She helped me prepare mentally for things, brought me peace with what I was going through, and helped me navigate the road. 

She had gone through radiation and after chatting with her online a bit, she has calmed some of my anxiety about radiation. Once again Kim, you have helped me cope with the reality of the situation and I thank you.  I can never say thank you enough. 

I've met some amazing people on my road with cancer.  The network of support is amazing, even though situations are different, they support you through it all even without saying words sometimes. Just knowing there is someone that you can lean on when times get  you down, is awesome.  I love the ladies I have met on the journey - you know who you are :)

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