This is the real life story of a 25 year old fighting the fight of her life with breast cancer and then at 29 finding a recurrence and having to make life changing decisions. This is my story.

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. Ralph Marston

I've been known as a strong willed, independent, and stubborn girl and woman. Maybe it all was planned to be that way so that I could succeed in this fight. I learn more about myself each day and what I can handle and what's really important in this world.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Insurance Goals are met!

This has been a hectic week. Over the last weekend, my husband's grandfather passed away somewhat suddenly.  We have been running around making sure things are in line with everything and it was a beautiful military service.  The weather turned out perfect for a funeral.  The day before I came down with a nasty tummy virus or food poisoning. 

I have met an achievement I didn't think I'd meet for many years... my out of pocket maximum.  I figured it would happen this year but wasn't sure when. Well - it is DONE! Ha! Not something to be that happy about but I did it! Basically, now the insurance should pay 100% rather than 75%.  We've already put out several thousands dollars this year between two of us.  I was wondering how much this radiation was going to end up costing us, so other than standard doctor visit copays of $35 hopefully this shouldn't get much more expensive.  Now that might be $35 x 32 treatments which could be $1120. Oh geez... just did that calculation.... well... we might hit 5 digits in medical bills for the year. Wow! I bet we can write it off this year on the taxes.  The last years we missed being able to put it on our taxes by just a few hundred dollars.  This year... we are meeting all kinds of goals!

Just one thing to always keep in mind... when getting a new job, research your insurance (although if this Obama Care sticks won't matter) insurance is important no matter your age.  It isn't there for the small things but the big things that happen - the unexpected issues.  Insurance can be a savior. We have put a lot of money into this, this go around, however, the amount the insurance has saved us is much more.  When I went through this the last time, the insurance paid 100% of everything.....$150k paid, I only paid $350 the entire 2 years of treatments.  This is a bit more of a burden financially on us however, I understand it could be a lot worse so we stay focused and plan accordingly.

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