This is the real life story of a 25 year old fighting the fight of her life with breast cancer and then at 29 finding a recurrence and having to make life changing decisions. This is my story.

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. Ralph Marston

I've been known as a strong willed, independent, and stubborn girl and woman. Maybe it all was planned to be that way so that I could succeed in this fight. I learn more about myself each day and what I can handle and what's really important in this world.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Skin removal day!!!

I wore a patch since yesterday that helped to wick away the oozing from blisters.  They went to pull them off today and they had attached themselves to my blistering flesh.  Needless to say, my blistered skin decided to pull away from me.  They gave me PolyMem which is a non-adhesive pad which does the same as the other but in different ways.  So I now have 2 pieces of that which costs $27.50 for one 6.5"x7.5" sheet.  If it works though, it's worth it.  We shall see. 

This was by far the worst pain so far with this treatment while they peeled those patches off today and then the air touching it and burning more. 

The top part is right in my arm pit.  If you see me walking around holding my arm out from my body.... that would be why. The second pic is under my breast. That shiny stuff isn't cream, it's the exposed flesh under the now removed blister.  These pictures were taken when I got home after today's treatment. 

They did adjust my treatment so that those burned and severely blistered areas don't receive any additional radiation.  My doctor said that it should start to look a lot better next week.  The nurses said they had seen worse burns but it is normal to have these type of burns.

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