This is the real life story of a 25 year old fighting the fight of her life with breast cancer and then at 29 finding a recurrence and having to make life changing decisions. This is my story.

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. Ralph Marston

I've been known as a strong willed, independent, and stubborn girl and woman. Maybe it all was planned to be that way so that I could succeed in this fight. I learn more about myself each day and what I can handle and what's really important in this world.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Radiation Adjustments and Sleepiness

Saw my doctor today and she seemed concerned about the skin reaction I had going on under my breast. It is the most irritated area, itching and very red.  She is going to have them move that beam to a different angle to help reduce the amount of radiation pounding on that spot.  It is sitting right on top of my last rib also which makes me a little nervous because radiation can cause your bones to weaken making it easier to crack later. 

I am applying my vitamin E oil and the Prutect cream to help with the itch and uncomfy feelings.  At least we don't have kids or roommates running around, because I will later them up and let it absorb in.  Might be slightly embarrassing if we have others around the house. 

Other than that, I am doing well except for exhaustion.  Came home today and had to lay down for about 20 minutes before making dinner because I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I was talking to the radiation physics guy today and said it will get worse but he made me laugh.  We discussed the 50 Shades of Grey, the effects on the industry of products discussed in the book, and some psychology of the book.  Very interesting conversation but pleasant. 

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